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Azure AI Fundamentals (AI-900)

This certification is an opportunity for you to demonstrate knowledge of machine learning and AI concepts and related Microsoft Azure services. As a candidate for this certification, you should have familiarity with the self-paced or instructor-led learning material.

This certification is intended for you if you have both technical and non-technical backgrounds. Data science and software engineering experience are not required. However, you would benefit from having awareness of:

  • Basic cloud concepts
  • Client-server applications

You can use Azure AI Fundamentals to prepare for other Azure role-based certifications like Azure Data Scientist Associate or Azure AI Engineer Associate, but it’s not a prerequisite for any of them.

You may be eligible for ACE college credit if you pass this certification. See ACE college credit for certification exams for details.

Skills measured

  • Describe Artificial Intelligence workloads and considerations
  • Describe fundamental principles of machine learning on Azure
  • Describe features of computer vision workloads on Azure
  • Describe features of Natural Language Processing (NLP) workloads on Azure
  • Describe features of generative AI workloads on Azure

Course Details:

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